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10% Happier
Dan Harris
Learn How to Tame the Voice in Your Head, Reduce Stress Without Losing Your Edge, and Find Self-Help that Actually Works. Have you ever experienced anxiety? Perhaps you’ve experienced anxiety so crippling that you subsequently have a panic attack. Has this ever happened to you in front of millions of people? Well, it has to Dan Harris. After having a nationally televised panic attack, Dan knew it was time to make some change in his life. From then on, Dan began a journey seeking to quiet the incessant, insatiable voice inside his head. The internal narrator begins as soon as he wakes up and heckles him all day long. It’s the same voice that tells you to continue eating even when you’ve had enough and prompts you to lose your temper even when you know you shouldn’t. To help calm and control that voice, Dan Harris has turned to meditation. If you’re anything like Dan, you might be thinking that meditation is exclusively for “bearded swamis, unwashed hippies, and fans of John Tesh music.” But as Dan learned, meditation is for everyone and can have profound effects on both your mental and physical health. As you read, you’ll learn how meditation makes you more productive, why your ego is to blame when you lash out at your spouse, and how separating from your emotions will help you control your ego.
17 minutes
A New Earth
Eckhart Tolle
Find your life’s purpose by connecting with the earth. What’s your life’s purpose? Figuring out the answer to that question is a pretty tall order and most people spend their entire life trying to figure that out. But by engaging with the teachings of author and spiritual leader Eckhart Tolle, you can learn how to transcend the petty anxieties, fears, and flaws that control our everyday existence. And by learning to heal your own internal conflicts, you can even discover the secret to achieving world peace.
15 minutes
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Richard Carlson
Learn the simple ways to keep little things from taking over your entire life. In today’s modern world, we find ourselves running around stressing about seemingly unimportant things. When was the last time you were angered by a comment someone made? A long line you had to stand in? A traffic jam? A Facebook post? Despite our busy lives, we continue to sweat the small stuff and add unnecessary stress. This stress becomes a vicious cycle as we find ourselves angry and resentful when things don’t go our way or when people don’t think like us. We become too focused on the imperfections of ourselves and others that we forget to focus on the important aspects of life. So if you’re looking to slow down in this fast-paced world and disengage from stress and anger, then Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff will teach you how to find inner peace and enjoy life despite our endless problems and stresses. As you read, you’ll learn why perfection is dangerous, why being right doesn’t always mean being happy, and why yoga is important for your mental and physical wellbeing.
13 minutes
Rob Dube
If you’ve ever wondered how meditation can improve your professional success and work-life balance, donothing (2018) will teach you how to unlock your potential and inner peace! Offering a first-hand account of the impact and benefits of meditation, author Robe Dube presents executives and business leaders with a toolkit for optimizing their success. Drawing on his personal experience as well as stories from well-known business icons and scientific data which demonstrates the personal and professional benefits of meditation, Dube explains why meditation is so much more than just the latest health craze.
8 minutes
Happy Ever After
Paul Dolan
Happy Ever After (2018) invites readers to deconstruct the social pressures which mold our lives. Exploring the societal pressure to pursue the “right” career, or get married by a certain age, or have a certain amount of children, Happy Ever After unpacks the desires that we’re taught to have and questions their ability to facilitate genuine happiness. Arguing that many of these have desires have been impressed upon us by others, Paul Dolan asks us to look inward and determine whether the goals we’re pursuing are truly our own and provides actionable steps for discovering personal fulfillment.
10 minutes
How to be Alone
Sara Maitland
How to be Alone challenges our fear of solitude by daring us to cut through the noise of our everyday lives and spend just a few moments on our own. Proving that solitude isn’t so scary, Sara Maitland’s breakthrough how-to guide will show you how to become your most amazing self by embracing individuality through solitude. Being by ourselves might sound simple, but Sara Maitland posits that it’s not. Acknowledging our society’s fear of solitude and the stereotypes that surround those who are considered “loners,” Maitland explores the benefits of actively learning to be alone, including creative focus, self-expression, and the cultivation of our individuality. By analyzing the theories of leading psychologists in conjunction with examples from the lives of such legendary creators as Henry David Thoreau and Virginia Woolf, Maitland invites readers to unlock the creative power of learning how to be alone.
19 minutes
Mindful Work
David Gelles
Mindful Work investigates the principles of mindfulness and how we can apply them to our personal and professional lives to be happier, healthier, and more productive. Mindful Work provides a comprehensive introduction to the practice of mindfulness, covering what it is, how it works, and why we need it in our personal and professional lives. Taking examples from neurological research and leading US companies as well as individuals whose lives were changed, Mindful Work posits that practicing mindfulness can help us unlock not only our best selves, but the potential for a better world.
10 minutes
Search Inside Yourself
Chade-Meng Tan
Search Inside Yourself (2012) extols the value of utilizing emotional intelligence and mindfulness in your everyday life to achieve personal and professional success. Based on years of research and personal experience, Tan’s guide to self-discovery enables you to cut out the struggle of searching for the answers and follow his roadmap to cultivating a life of passion, purpose, and fulfilment through practicing mindfulness and harnessing the power of emotional intelligence.
11 minutes
James Wallman
Discover how you can find more to life by having less. How often do we associate happiness with material possessions? Okay, maybe most of us understand that money can’t buy us happiness, but does that still deter us from wanting the latest model of that cool car, or the bigger house in the nicer neighborhood, or the latest television or cell phone? Our society has become ingrained into thinking that we need the newest models, some of us even believe success comes in the possessions that we hold. This has led to a destructive way of life which author James Wallman calls Stuffocation. As we accumulate material goods, we clutter our houses damaging our mental health and putting our lives in danger. Luckily, society is largely moving away from the consumerism of our past, but how can we become happier while still boosting our economy? Wallman has the solution to cure us of stuffocation while simultaneously contributing to the economy. Keep reading to find out how stuffocation can lead to serious mental illness, how we became so materialistic in the first place, and lastly, how to cure yourself and find a lifetime of peace and happiness.
11 minutes
The Book of Joy
Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu
The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu discuss how we can find joy despite suffering. “We create most of our own suffering, so it should be logical that we also have the ability to create more joy. When it comes to personal happiness there is a lot we as individuals can do.” Based on a 7 day meeting by theologian and anti-apartheid activist Desmond Tutu and his holiness the Dalai Lama at the latter’s home in Dharamsala, India The Book of Joy addresses the question; how can we find joy in the face of suffering?
12 minutes
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